The Eranove group's commitments
Rationalising consumption of raw materials
The Eranove group places particular importance on conserving resources, both those linked to its production and its distribution work. The main resources in question are natural gas and backup fuels that are used to make electricity, as well as raw water that is used to make drinking water and electricity. Its consumption of primary, but also secondary resources is continually optimised by a combination of new plants (installation of a combined cycle for the Atinkou and Kékéli thermal plant), new technology (in particular, the ‘smart grid’) and energy efficiency (energy audits and commitment to ISO 50001).
Encouraging customers to make their consumption sustainable
The companies in the Eranove group that have a direct relationship with water and electricity consumers promote efficient usage of these resources, using a variety of methods to send messages (Internet, social media, posters, press).
Smart Energy is an Eranove group company that was launched in 2016, and which is dedicated to energy efficiency. It helps companies to improve the efficiency of their consumption and their use of renewable energy sources.
Controlling our waste
Managing the Group’s environmental impact has led to the adoption of a common procedure in all its companies.
It is based on the ISO 14001 systems of environmental management, including, in particular, the management of waste, noise pollution caused by its industrial operations, sewage waste in the drinking water and sanitation sector, as well as the monitoring of air pollution. Each certified body keeps their environmental management plan up to date, guaranteeing that its impact is controlled and that it is involved in a process of continual improvement.
Fighting climate change
Being, essentially, a provider of hydroelectric plants and drinking water production factories, two sectors that are particularly vulnerable to climate variation, the Eranove Group has made fighting climate change central to all its work.

Smart Energy
SMART ENERGY helps companies with energy performance
Smart Energy, a subsidiary of the CIE and the Eranove group, helps companies to achieve the most ambitious of energy performance levels. It operates using diagnostic studies and audits of specific recommendations according to the consumers, and by implementing measures that have been advised by Smart Energy and decided on with the client. The latter covers a wide range of possibilities, including measurement plans and the implementation of all remedial options, from the most trivial to the most complicated: installing LED bulbs, lights that switch off automatically, using insulating paint, installing blinds, new air-conditioning units that use less energy or new production equipment.
After the diagnostic and audit stages, Smart Energy gets to work, installing specific equipment that it distributes exclusively within the Ivory Coast.
The eight energy audits that were carried out by Smart Energy in 2018 should avoid the release of the equivalent of 1935 tonnes of CO 2 into the atmosphere, if the recommendations are acted upon.
Additionally, the release of the equivalent of 127 tonnes of CO 2 should be avoided by two clients whose operations are supervised by Smart Energy*.
In 2018, Smart Energy carried out an important diagnostic study, an audit and some work for CODIPAC, a company that distributes frozen food products. In order to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods, the doors of the cold rooms have to remain open, in a hot climate. Therefore, air curtains were installed to create a barrier between the different temperature zones, preventing the cold from being lost. This allowed the company to make savings in the order of 306 512 kWh every year. The implementation of all the energy performance actions devised for CODIPAC would allow them to avoid the possible release of the equivalent of 592 tonnes of CO 2 in total per year.
Smart Energy has also developed a training programme on energy efficiency and renewable energy, in collaboration with the Centre for Electricity Jobs (CME). 180 people benefitted from these modules in 2018, most of whom are students in the second year of their BTS degree course. The modules are delivered by professionals from Smart Energy, along with other experts, who make use of the CME’s equipment. The solar panel facilities are particularly important for the practical component of the course.
* Data sample from clients who have agreed to share their study results and Smart Energy measurement plan externally.
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