If Africa wishes to address the challenges of access to water and electricity, the solutions must be created and developed in Africa, but with no pre-defined model. Each country has its own issues and particularities.

This has been the Eranove group’s firm belief since it began in Africa 60 years ago. What sets them apart is their commitment to Africa, believing that long-term performance can only be achieved by respecting all the stakeholders.
Access to water and electricity are economic and social imperatives. The Eranove group is acutely aware of current needs and is also convinced that these challenges are within reach and can be met by Africa.
Therefore, the Eranove group is doing its part to develop African skills and to secure access to education and information, as well as prioritising access to private African capital and allowing employees access to the capital of the group and its subsidiaries.
Societal commitment can be seen as restrictive, but for the Eranove group it is a strength, that has results that are convincing and undeniable. Each year, a sustainable development report, verified by an Independent Third-Party Organisation, demonstrates the Group’s commitment to long-term, diverse achievement: economic, social, financial, technical, human, environmental, customer-based and societal.