Ethical management

Since 2010, under the guidance of the Director-General, an ethical code has been at the heart of Eranove’s governance.

For Eranove, a responsible citizens’ group that works in Africa, for Africa and via Africa, ethical behaviour consists of a relationship of trust between the company and its environment. It represents one of the main conditions for business sustainability.

The Eranove group’s commitment is formalised in its ethical and corporate responsibility charter, and is present at three different levels:

  • At the level of the group, in terms of a universal value system, the principle of protecting people, property and the environment, and the use of management systems that are ethical.
  • In each of the group’s companies, establishing and operating mechanisms that promote ethics and
    corporate responsibility.
  • For each employee, putting the group’s values into practice in everyday life.

In the field of ethics, commitment is not imposed, but rather constructed within each company, taking into account the values, culture and issues that are relevant to its work. This is why, even though they share goals and common values, each company develops its own particular organisation and ethical mechanism that evolves in a continuous effort to improve.

Download the Ethics and corporate responsibility charter

€632,070 dedicated to the fight against corruption since 2020, including 25% by 2023
12 489 employees trained and made aware of ethical issues by 2020, 40% by 2023

The ethical management system is based on:

  • A corruption risk map, allowing for the identification of risk activities, the evaluation of the potential impact and the likelihood of each risk occurring.
  • An ethical training plan, covering management in the first instance, and then gradually being rolled out to all employees.
  • A three-year action plan, let by an ethical committee, implemented in all management areas.
  • An internal awareness campaign, in the form of various internal support documents (posters, office charters, calendars, ethical work guides, publication in monthly newsletters, etc.).
  • Ethical alerts via a “suggestion box”, using email, a hotline, or an online form on the website.

In addition to complying with regulations, particularly the law entitled “Sapin II”, the goal is to certify these systems in accordance with the ISO 37001 standard that deals with anti-corruption management systems. As the first step towards this goal, CIE has confirmed its pioneer status in Africa by evaluating its compliance management system in April 2017, in accordance with the ISO 19600 standard.