Improving plant performance

Maintenance, otherwise known as operational diligence, is key. Plants in Africa are subjected to particularly harsh climatic conditions, more so than in other locations. Therefore, maintenance is essential.

The Eranove group has demonstrated its ability to manage government sites and plants in an effective manner.

Améliorations des performance - Maintenance

Some examples:

Electricity production

Performance is measured, in particular, by the availability rate of production facilities (outside of scheduled maintenance): 98,2% at CIPREL and 93,7% at CIE.

Drinking water production

The internal performance of the factories (treated water/raw water) is measured: SODECI is at 98.51%

Electricity distribution

The global performance of the Ivory Coast’s national network has improved by 14.8% between 2012 and 2022 (74% to 85.02%), in particular due to improved maintenance work and CIE’s fight against fraud.

Drinking water distribution

The indicator that is monitored is network performance (water billed/drinking water produced): SODECI is at 80.09% and SDE is at 80.7%.